Specialist profile

Mr Glenn Hinds
Contact details
Business name: Oiwillo Training Co. Ltd
Limited company registered in: Northern Ireland
Company's registered number:


Address: 77 Great James Street
City: Derry
County: Co Londonderry
Postal Code: BT48 7DG
Telephone: 07763764486
Professional information
Specialism: Adult Services, Mental Health, Other
Location: Northern Ireland

Practice experience with young adults diagnosed with schizophrenia, adult mental health population, alcohol and drug services, adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse, person centred counselling, work/life balance, personal wellbeing, psychodynamic counselling, training and mentoring in Motivational Interviewing.

I work with: Coaching/ mentoring of parents (families), Coaching/ mentoring of social workers, Direct work with service users, Therapeutic work, Training and tutoring, Voluntary sector


Professional registrations: Northern Ireland Social Care Council
Extra skills:

Motivational Interviewing Trainer, Mentor & Practitioner
Emotional Intelligence Trainer & Practitioner