BASW UK Membership sign-up

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If you are an existing BASW member or have had a BASW membership within the past two months then please contact our membership team directly on 0121 622 8401, please do not complete this form..

BASW Membership is currently only available for qualified social workers, or students studying for a recognised social work qualification; the membership team will verify the qualification fields have been completed.

If you are not a qualified social worker or are not studying to become a social worker, but are interested in an Associate BASW membership, please contact the membership team on 0121 622 8401.

Previous BASW membership
Your details
Employment details
Select 'no' if you are a full-time student studying to become a social worker
Home contact details
Please enter mobile numbers preceded by + country code, no preceding 0 and no gaps. e.g. add 07890 123 456 as +447890123456
Enter your postcode to find your address (leaving a 1 character space between the first and second parts of the postcode e.g. B2 5PP; E1 6DQ)
Work contact details
Please enter mobile numbers preceded by + country code, no preceding 0 and no gaps. e.g. add 07890 123 456 as +447890123456
Enter your postcode to find your address (leaving a 1 character space between the first and second parts of the postcode e.g. B2 5PP; E1 6DQ)
Main contact details
Please enter mobile numbers preceded by + country code, no preceding 0 and no gaps. e.g. add 07890 123 456 as +447890123456
Enter your postcode to find your address (leaving a 1 character space between the first and second parts of the postcode e.g. B2 5PP; E1 6DQ)
Qualifications / Courses
Social worker registration information
Check your regulator’s website if you don’t know your registration number

View our Privacy Policy to find out how we collect, use and protect your data.