Specialist profile

Ms Gbemisola Esther Ogunde
Contact details
City: London
County: London
Telephone: 07341829795
Professional information
Specialism: Children and families
Location: England: London, England: North East, England: North West, England: South East, England: South West

I qualified as a Social Worker in 2014. I was also able to complete my AYSE within the Children with Disabilities Team. I felt that this role provided me with the following experiences: working with children under s.17, s.47, CIN, CP, LAC, court work and parenting assessment – Parent Assessed and Form F Assessor Trained. I am quick thinking and was and is always eager to learn new things. I am reliable and consistent with my work.
Full CV can be requested.

I work with: Advocacy, Complaints, Compliance, Court assessments, Direct work with families and carers, Direct work with service users, Expert witness, Family assessment, Government offices, Inter-agency working, Local authority departments, Placements, Practice assessment, Private/ independent sector, Quality assurance, Research, Review and evaluation, Strategy, Supervision, Therapeutic work, Training and tutoring

BA Hons Social Work

Professional registrations: Social Work England
Extra skills:

Assessments, joint or single from Parenting Assessments, Parent Assess Assessments, Form F Assessments, Viability Assessments, SGO. Direct work with children including life story work.