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Talk to SWU: workplace issues webinar on 12 February 2024

A chance to talk with the Social Workers Union about workplace issues

Talk to SWU: work place issues webinar - Social Workers Union

This session is free to attend and is a safe space where questions can be asked anonymously.

All UK social workers and social work students are invited to attend this online advice and representation session regardless of membership.

In this session a panel of Advice & Representation Officers will answer questions from UK social workers and social work students. Some common issues experienced by our members include:

  • Terms and conditions being changed or altered
  • Facing re-organisation
  • Experiencing bullying and harassment

Booking for this session will close on Monday February 2PM. Be sure to book your free place before then to avoid disappointment.

SWU and BASW members are encouraged to log-in prior to booking as it will allow them to attend this event for free.

Non-members can access this event for free by using the discount code provided after completing the BASW & SWU Communication Sign-up form