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BASW UK Student Conference 2024

Navigating Cultural Complexity in Social Work

Join us for this exciting event developed by students for students, enabling conversations and knowledge exchange focusing on cultural complexity in social work.

We are looking forward to a vibrant mixture of on topic keynote presentations and interactive workshops, plus a panel discussion featuring subject matter experts, experts by experience and BASW Student Ambassadors. 

The event will be chaired by Omar Mohamed, who is a new social worker in children’s social care as well as holding roles and expertise in being a lecturer, researcher, author, activist, leader, and expert by experience. Omar is the Co-Chair of the BASW Experts By Experience Group, Non-Executive Director on BASW Council, member of the BASW International Committee, and Co-Vice-Chair of the BASW Diaspora Special Interest Group.


In search of Cultural Competency:  A framework to support critical thinking about cultural complexity

Professor Janet Walker, Visiting Professor of International Social Work at the University of Lincoln, Chair of BASW International Committee

Cultural Competence in social work practice is a vital skill. However, it can be hard to navigate with a number of different qualities, which have to be translated in a greater diversity of social interventions at multiple levels – individual, family, organisation, community and society. In this presentation we will examine the conceptualisation, construction and application in navigating cultural competency in social work practice. A framework to navigate critical thinking about cultural complexity will be offered. An example from another country will be used to identify how social work dialogue, responses and relationships in cultural complexity has been negotiated to support meaningful practice. Culturally sensitive and competent social work practice involves recognising the multifaceted nature of cultural competence.

Considering cultural complexities

Imam Mohammed Rashid 

Contextualising care & support from the lens of culture & religion (i.e. etiquettes, customs etc) thus enabling practitioners to work holistically, safely & inclusively.

Workshop Choices

Cultural complexity & considerations across continents

Dr Sui Ting Kong, Associate Professor in Social Work, Durham University & Hei Chow, Senior Community Organiser, UK Welcomes Refugees, Lead of Hong Kong Social Workers Action Network

Since 2021, there has been more than 200,000 Hong Kong people having migrated to the UK. Most of these migrants are families with children who were exposed to different degrees of political violence and felt compelled to leave Hong Kong. Among these migrants, there are also qualified social workers from Hong Kong seeking ways to settle in the professional workplace in the UK. Based on Sui-Ting and Hei’s research with the Hongkonger communities in the UK, they will use Hongkonger migrants as an example to illustrate how the sociological idea of ‘family practices’ can inform social workers’ understanding of families from diverse cultures, especially on what is ‘family care’ and ‘rights and autonomy’. The presentation will also cover cultural clashes that Hongkonger social workers have experienced as they begin to join the social work workforce in the UK.

Cultural Competency

Morgan Okonkwo - Volunteer @ Hummingbird Project, BASW Student Ambassador, University of Sussex

How an individual experiences culture is distinct. The cultural influence and lived experience of black and global majority individuals massively effects how they interact with professionals and navigate services. In social work, there is an obligation to uphold anti-racist and anti-oppressive practice with an emphasis on the acknowledgement of diversity and the promotion of equality reflected through meeting social work professional standards. Practicing cultural competence is a necessary advancement that requires addressing the effects of cultural attitudes and beliefs and challenging cultural biases held by professionals. This training aims to encourage cultural competence in social work practice in order to best serve diverse populations. It will discuss ways of understanding culture and how to increase one’s self-awareness and cultural humility. It will also suggest ways to consider and integrate culture into practice in a way where difference is valued.

2023 Social Workers Union and Thunderbird Partnership Foundation international cultural knowledge exchange trip

Anna Collins  & Rebecca Austin – SWU Executive Members

This cultural knowledge exchange trip was a unique opportunity for UK social workers to learn about the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation’s strength based, holistic, trauma informed approach to social work practices that values culture, respect, community, and compassion. Thunderbird’s “twoeyed seeing” approach of combining Indigenous knowledge and western knowledge has produced a wealth of frameworks, tools, and programs - many of which will be highlighted in this presentation.

The well-being magic wand *

Kate Newman - Health and Well-being Development Officer, Social Care Wales

*disclaimer - please note – spoiler alert……. there is no magic wand that can make everything ok all of the time – what we can help you with is how to approach difficult, busy times and where you can get further information and help in a safe connective space with your peers. Come and join us for a warm and friendly conversation which allows you some time to think about just you

Join Kate and Ionna to hear what can impact on your well being when studying and working. There will be the opportunity to consider what impacts on your own well-being and pose questions to your peers to help resolve any challenges you may have which are impacting on you managing home life, studying at placements. An informal safe space to connect with and be listened to by your peers. You will also receive information which may help you to find the right help when needed in the future to support your well-being.

Delivered online using MS Teams.

Register now to secure your place - more details coming soon!

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