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Donor conception: ethical aspects of information disclosure. Written evidence to Nuffield Council on Bioethics,

March/April 2012 report and report guide

In April 2013, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics published a report, Donor conception: ethical aspects of information sharing. The report considers the interests of the many parties affected by donor conception (donorconceived people, parents, donors, and all their wider family and social networks), and the role of the state in promoting or encouraging particular approaches to the providing and sharing of information.

This guide sets out some of the conclusions and recommendations that are discussed in more detail in the report. The report was produced by an expert Working Party. In coming to its conclusions, the Working Party invited contributions from a wide range of people, including donor-conceived people, parents, donors, professionals involved in fertility services, professionals working with donor-conceived people and families, those involved in regulating donation, professionals involved in genetic medicine, academics and researchers, faith groups, and members of the wider public.

Throughout this guide we use the word ‘parents’ inclusively, to mean either a single parent, or parents. References to ‘donation’ include both gamete and embryo donation