Specialist profile

Mr Jon Hird
Contact details
Business name: Arriba Consultancy Ltd.
Limited company registered in: Scotland
Company's registered number:


Address: 272 Bath Street,
City: Glasgow
Postal Code: G2 3JR
Telephone: 07739145152
Professional information
Specialism: Children and families
Location: England: North East

Registered with Social Work England-19 years post qualifying experience in statutory social work with children and families. Graduate with PQ awards in social work. Extensive experience in reporting to court as an independent expert witness- specifically civil litigation, risk assessment, kinship and parenting assessments. Licensed PAMS assessor (Parenting assessment for parents who have learning disabilities). Former team manager for front line child protection service in a top performing Local Authority .

I work with: Coaching/ mentoring of parents (families), Coaching/ mentoring of social workers, Court assessments, Direct work with families and carers, Direct work with service users, Expert witness, Family assessment, Inter-agency working, Local authority departments, Practice assessment, Practice teaching, Private/ independent sector, Quality assurance, Solicitors, Supervision, Training and tutoring

BA Hons/ Diploma in Social Work/PQSW

Professional registrations: Social Work England
Extra skills:

Signs of Safety methodology for working with children and families.
Expert witness in civil litigation proceedings for children represented by the official solicitor as a litigant friend.