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Youth Violence, Social Media and County Lines

The Birmingham and Solihull Branch (BASW) in collaboration with the University College Birmingham (UCB)

Two themes for the day: ‘County lines and Rural Violence’ and ‘Social Media and its impact on Youth Violence’

Keynote 1: Solomon Griffiths County lines and Rural Violence.   Solomon Griffiths is the director and founder of 5 Steps Forward CIC.  Solomon is a consultant, mediator and mentor with over 10 years experience working with high risk offenders and gang members. He also has experience of work within prisons and youth offending.  Soloman is well known for his work within the West Midlands for his services and is amongst some of the best in promoting anti-youth violence.

Keynote 2: Craig Pinkney Social Media and its impact on Youth Violence.   Craig Pinkney is a Criminologist, Urban Youth Specialist, Lecturer and Director of Real Action UK an outreach organisation based in Birmingham which specialises in working with disaffected youth. Craig will talk about his most recent publication “Gangs, Music and the Mediatisation of Crime: Expressions, Violations and Validations” in his keynote and what this means for frontline practitioners. This can be accessed at
