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Discussions to explore and reflect on issues in relation to the decolonisation of social work practice, research and education.

Decolonisation in Social Work

Decolonial thinking recognises that, despite the formal end of colonial rule, the legacies remain in everyday experiences and political struggles. Decolonisation challenges legacies of oppression, calling for an honest and accurate reappraisal of colonial history, to activities that seek to redress biases which disproportionally focus on White, Eurocentric thinking.

As an independent social work membership organisation and as social work professionals, there is a commitment to actively and openly adopting, promoting and embedding a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion and in challenging all forms of discrimination and inequality founded on knowledge and practice that represents the experiences of all.  Consideration needs to be considered of BASW’s response to decolonisation and identity to ensure positive actions for future achievements that supports a redistribution of decision-making power for social work.

Next meeting scheduled for Monday 29th April, 6pm till 7.30pm

29th April 2024 6:00 PM through  7:30 PM
Event Fee(s)
Admin fee £ 4.80 (includes VAT of £ 0.80)