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Part of BASW's Taught Skills Development Programme for NQSWs

***Session for students & NQSWs only***

This session explores the complexity of legal interfaces, the ethical dilemmas this can raise and the role of the professional in managing and negotiating such issues, including managing power appropriately. This session will utilise case examples and caselaw to demonstrate how these impact on Social Workers and then considers the transferrable skills needed to ensure NQSW’s are able to negotiate these complexities in practice. This session will include:

  • An exploration of the Impact of the Covid Pandemic ( & Legislation where applied)
  • An exploration of legal interfaces using the Human Rights Act 1998, Children Act 1989, Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Mental Health Act 1983
  • The balance in legislation between rights, choice and empowerment and safeguarding and public protection.  
  • The ability to identify and consider the complexities involved in balancing principles of autonomy & protection.

09:15 log on and check the tech is working

9.30 Introductions to the content, tech and session

10:00 Ethics and values – application in practice

  • What are values and ethics? How do they impact our practice?
  • What power do we have and how do we use it?

11.00 Coffee & Screen Break

11.20  Impact of a Pandemic

  • What are the ethical dilemma’s?
  • How can we manage it?

12:30 LUNCH & Screen Break

13.15  Examples of Legal Interfaces & Related Dilemmas

  • Mental Health Act / Children’s Act / Mental Capacity Act

14.00 Examples of Case Law Impact on Practice

  • Care Act Challenge

15.00  Coffee and Screen Break

15.20 Examples of Legal Interfaces & Related Dilemmas

  • Use of PR
  • Mental Capacity Act Vs Mental Health Act

16. 00 – Reflections / 16.30 - CLOSE

6th April 2022 9:15 AM through  4:30 PM
Event Fee(s)
BASW member student / NQSW £ 58.80 (includes VAT of £ 9.80)
Non member student / NQSW £ 118.80 (includes VAT of £ 19.80)